Friday, August 19, 2016

Just because we can...doesn't mean we should.

First off can I say...thank goodness it's Friday?! And holy moly it is crazy out with all the back to school shopping. But....we decided to head to the mall today and browse around. Maybe it's just me, but I miss the days where women looked classy. If we could go back to those days, I would be there in a heart beat! Even gangsters looked suave in their pinstripe suits and perfectly combed hair. But alas, we no longer live in that era. And we now have to suffer through days of skinny jeans on guys, and booty shorts on girls that are way to young to be wearing them.

But as I was shopping today, I also found it almost impossible to find something that did not scream teenager. Now as a thirty one year old woman, I've learned not to compete. Because they win every time. Which brings me to my next question. Are we 30 going on 15? It seems to be a never ending cycle of teenage girls looking like their twenty two, and us perpetually trying to look like we're still twenty two. And with the fashions that are out today, it's hard to find anything that doesn't scream tween. Now I'm not saying this is every single female that walks the planet. And I've given up on certain fashions, because I don't want to look like some crazy chick. I'm a wife, and a mom....and while I love my babies with all of my heart...let's be honest. They kind of jacked my body up. The quest for nice fabrics, quality pieces, and anything not crop has become quite the hassle.

As a mom, I want to still feel sexy and attractive. And as the years have progressed and my children have come along, my ideas of fashion have also progressed. Eight years ago, you wouldn't of caught me out without a pair of heels on. And I rocked those babies for the first few months of my first pregnancy. But after three kiddos, I've come to love the classy chic. The flats and skinny jeans. A classic sweater with red lipstick. And those are the types of clothes that are worth searching for.

Now I ask of you ladies, what is one item of clothing that you own that you absolutely adore? What is your style? What stores do you love to shop in? Send me your pics in the comments on here!

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